Monday, May 5, 2014

Here's to New Adventures

As the semester draws to a close, Zeta members are packing their bags and getting ready for a relaxing summer away from classrooms, professors, and textbooks. Several Zetas nabbed some awesome internships for the summer months and will be heading to various cities across the United States as soon as school ends. Here are just a few of the places Zetas will be interning this summer:

Junior Sophie, who just returned from a spring semester internship in New York City, will now be moving to Washington, D.C. for an internship with The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.

Senior Melissa is pursuing her love for fashion by taking an internship with Nordstrom.

Sophomore Maddy will be interning with Deloitte in Omaha this summer. As an advisory intern, Maddy say she isn't 100 percent sure what she will be doing, but she will work with the advisory department in helping businesses to make decisions.

Madi, a junior, will be interning with Wells Fargo Commercial Banking in Omaha. She'll be in their Summer Financial Analyst Program and will even have the opportunity to go to San Francisco for training!

Marketing and advertising/public relations student, Charlie, will be spending her summer working as an account planner at Jacht Ad Lab, UNL's student-run advertising agency. As an account planner, Charlie will focus on market research and helping the clients determine what they would like to achieve with an advertising campaign. After that, she will work to ensure that all parts of the campaign are cohesive, and will give presentations to the clients.

We are so proud of all of these lovely ladies, and can't wait to see what they accomplish!

And just in case you missed it, here's a video of a dancing panda at the Lincoln Marathon on Sunday.


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