Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Meet the 2014 Pledge Class

These lovely ladies were all initiated into our chapter a few weeks ago. They all bring a lot to the chapter and we're so excited to welcome them to our sisterhood. At a New Member meeting a few weeks ago, we wanted to get to know them a little bit more... Here's what they told us! ...

Friday, September 5, 2014

Recruitment 2014

Throughout the week of August 18-23, our chapter held formal recruitment. It was a long week of conversations, rap battles, and learning to love our sisterhood even more, but we survived! We were fortunate enough to welcome 45 new members into our sisterhood! While recruitment week can be very stressful,...

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

New Student Enrollment Orientation Leader, Liz

One of our sisters was selected as an orientation leader for the summer. As we get ready for classes to start back up, read what Liz has to say about her experience! Our sister Liz, third from the left in the second row from the bottom, and the rest of the UNL NSE leaders! This summer I was honored...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014